简介:At London's Grace Brothers Department Store, Mr. Grainger of Gents' Ready-Made and his sales staff learn that they must share their sales floor with Mrs. Slocombe and Miss Brahms of Ladies' Intimate Apparel. No one is happy with the arrangement at first, but they learn to make the most of it.
简介:本劇情片由桂治洪導演、潘粵生編劇。故事描述井莉飾演的玫瑰牌絲襪廠千金留學回港,擔起玫瑰牌絲襪的宣傳工作,使業績迅速回昇;田青飾演公主牌絲襪廠經理之子,受命從臺回港助陣力挽狂瀾。田採相反宣傳術,成功打擊玫瑰牌;井為挽回大局,不惜易名應徵為田之秘書,藉以獲商業情報。另一方面,井與田因朝夕相處愛苗漸生,終惹田父秘書妒忌,向田告密,謂井為奸細;後井身份被識破,田大失所望引咎辭職…… 本片請來了當時邵氏最多才多藝、最漂亮的女演員井莉來飾演從倫敦學成歸來的廣告策劃人海倫,她冒險來到父親競爭對手公司做起了對方兒子的秘書,二人相愛後,她卻被安排了另一場婚姻,最後她大鬧教堂逃了出來。當時,邵氏愛情片劇本的編寫可謂是十分出色,這樣的情節設置即使在今天看來也頗具吸引力,俊男靚女永遠都是不二的組合。 資料來源︰電影雙周刊—Home Entertainment DVD
简介:At London's Grace Brothers Department Store, Mr. Grainger of Gents' Ready-Made and his sales staff learn that they must share their sales floor with Mrs. Slocombe and Miss Brahms of Ladies' Intimate Apparel. No one is happy with the arrangement at first, but they learn to make the most of it.